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Greenway Sound

Greenway Sound (Port Mcneill)


  • Rec Site #:REC0296
  • Type:User Maintained
  • Fees:None
  • Campsites:2
  • Access:Boat-in
  • Facilities:Tables
  • Site Description: Located on the northern shore of Broughton Island, the Greenway Sound Rec site is a popular stop with boaters. The site has a small dock for vessels less than 14ft with a ramp leading to shore. A short walk on a trail takes you to a grassy site with two picnic tables overlooking the bay. From the picnic area, there is another opportunity for a hike with a trail that leads to the Broughton Lake Recreation Site on the north end of Broughton Lake.

  • Driving Directions: Greenway Sound Rec Site is located in a bay on the northern shores of Boughton Island, access is by boat by way of Greenway Sound. To the south of Broughton Island is Fife Sound and to the north is Sutlej Channel.

  • Fire Bans and Restrictions:Link

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