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Eternal Fountain

Eternal Fountain (Port Mcneill)

HikingNature Study

  • Rec Site #:REC16046
  • Type:Maintained
  • Fees:None
  • Campsites:0
  • Access:Road
  • Facilities:None
  • Site Description: A day use site located along the Alice Lake Loop, the Eternal Fountain is a stream resurgence waterfall that flows into a swallet (a stream sinking into a separate cave below the waterfall). There is a short trail within this site that winds its way through a second growth forest with areas to view karst features such as dolines, swallets, disappearing and reappearing streams. For your safety, please stay on the trails. Park at the Eternal Fountain sign and walk past the gate to the trail head.

  • Driving Directions: Heading north on Hwy 19, drive past the turnoff to Port McNeill until you come to the junction of the West Mainline. Turn left onto the mainline and follow the road to the main Alice Lake Loop kiosk. Beyond the kiosk, follow the directional signs to Eternal Fountain. The roads you will be traveling on are active industrial logging roads. Please use caution.

  • Fire Bans and Restrictions:Link

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