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Lilwatatkwa7 - Keyhole Falls Hotsprings

Lilwatatkwa7 - Keyhole Falls Hotsprings (Pemberton)

KayakingHikingNature Study

Site Closed.
PUBLIC SAFETY CLOSURE Recent wildfire activity has destabilized the cliffs above the trail and hot springs. In addition the fire has created a very large number of hazardous trees in the area. RST has determined the risk to public safety from the use of the trail is Extreme. The trail will remain closed until these hazards can be assessed and if possible mitigated.

  • Rec Site #:REC202717
  • Type:User Maintained
  • Fees:None
  • Campsites:0
  • Access:Road
  • Facilities:None
  • Site Description:Keyhole Hot spring remains closed due to an elevated landslide hazard, resulting form recent wildfire activity. The site will remain closed until the risk has abated

  • Driving Directions:The Lillooet River FSR is NOT regularly plowed or maintained in winter. Travel can be treacherous. The road passes through several avalanche chutes. Public access is restricted by a gate at 9km during times of avalanche danger and times of elevated landslide risk. Use caution and check the forecast; there is no cell service in the area. Many vehicles have gotten stuck trying to reach the hot springs when the road is snow covered, or have been blocked in by avalanche debris.

    The trailhead is located at 42 km on the Upper Lillooet FSR. From Pemberton BC drive up Pemberton meadows road until the junction with the Hurley Pass Road, turn right onto the Hurley Pass Road. Cross the Lillooet river, drive to approx. 6 km., stay left down the Upper Lillooet FSR and continue upstream until 42 km. Be careful NOT to turn up the Hurley Pass road to Gold Bridge and Bralorne.

  • Fire Bans and Restrictions:Link

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