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Big Cedar Tree
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Big Cedar Tree
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Big Cedar Tree
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Big Cedar Tree
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Big Cedar Tree

Big Cedar Tree (Bella Coola Valley)

PicnickingHikingNature StudyCamping

  • Rec Site #:REC5896
  • Type:User Maintained
  • Fees:None
  • Campsites:1
  • Access:Boat-in
  • Facilities:None
  • Site Description: This site near Larso Bay in South Bentinck Arm (approx. 35kms from Bella Coola)surrounds one of British Columbia's largest Western Red Cedar Trees at about 5m in diameter. The tree is located about 1km up the road from the site. There are no docking facilities at this site.

  • Driving Directions: This site is boat in only and is accessed through Bella Coola via South Bentinck Arm.

  • Fire Bans and Restrictions:Link

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