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Tenquille Lake Trail From Branch 12
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Tenquille Lake Trail From Branch 12
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Tenquille Lake Trail From Branch 12
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Tenquille Lake Trail From Branch 12
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Tenquille Lake Trail From Branch 12
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Tenquille Lake Trail From Branch 12

Tenquille Lake Trail From Branch 12 (Pemberton)


  • Rec Site #:REC6131
  • Type:Maintained
  • Fees:None
  • Campsites:0
  • Access:Trail
  • Facilities:None
  • Site Description: 4X4 Access only. From the Branch 12 trailhead, it is approximately 6km to Tenquille Lake and the cabin, with a total elevation gain of approximately 640m. The trail is moderately difficult, with short steep sections. It takes approximately 2.5 hours to reach the lake and cabin. This trail offers great views of the Pemberton Valley, with lots of berries and wildflowers along the way.

    Tenquille Lake (Hawint) is within the unceded territory of the Lil'wat Nation and has always been sacred to the Lil'wat Nation. The greater Tenquille Lake area, including the Birkenhead River watershed, is also within the unceded territory of N'Quatqua.

    For the Tenquille Lake Rec Site, follow this link: Tenquille Lake Rec Site

    By order of the District Recreation Officer, pursuant to Section 20 of the Forest Rec. Reg. the following rules are in effect on this trail:
    1. Dogs are prohibited on Tenquille Lake trails and within the Tenquille Lake recreation site.
    2. Mountain bikes are prohibited on the Branch 12 Trail and other Tenquille Lake area trails.
    3. Recreational motorized use is prohibited year-round on the Branch 12 Trail and other Tenquille Lake area trails.

    You are in grizzly bear country. Be bear aware, carry bear spray, and never approach or feed bears.

  • Driving Directions: This trailhead requires 4WD and high clearance. From Pemberton Meadows, follow the signs for the Hurley Forest Service Road. After driving approximately 8.5km on the Lillooet River FSR, take the Hurley FSR up the hill. After approximately 10km, turn right on the Branch 12 road. This is a decommissioned road; the road is narrow, lined with alder, and has many large water bars. Drive for approx. 6km to the trailhead. Pull-outs are limited along the way. Watch out for other vehicles, hikers, and wildlife. There is no cell service in the area.

    The Pemberton Wildlife Association has helped manage and continues to manage this site. For more information please check out their website: Pemberton Wildlife Association

  • Fire Bans and Restrictions:Link

View in Interactive Web Map

  • Site Maps:

Tenquille Lake Overview Map.pdf

Tenquille Lake Detailed Map.pdf



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