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Monica Meadows Site

Monica Meadows Site (Kaslo)

HikingNature StudyCamping

Site Closed.
Glacier Creek Forest Service Road is Closed. The BC Wildfire Service has implemented an Area Restriction Order under Section 11(1) of the Wildfire Act to address a public safety concern. For further information visit www.bcwildfire.ca

  • Rec Site #:REC6611
  • Type:Maintained
  • Fees:None
  • Campsites:0
  • Access:Road
  • Facilities:None
  • Site Description:This is a trail providing access to an alpine plateau with spectacular views of the surrounding peaks. The sensitive alpine plateau is intended for day-use only. Primitive campsites are provided at the end of the trail below the plateau. There has been a designated camping site built with access to 4 tent pads, a fire pit, a food cache and a backcountry toilet. Please refrain from having campfires outside of the fire ring. This easy trail is 8 km round trip with an average hiking time of 5 hours. Available late July to October.

  • Driving Directions:From Kaslo: Driving time= 1.5 hrs, 2wd high clearance vehicle required. From Kaslo head North on hwy 31N towards Lardeau/Duncan Lake. Turn right on Argenta Rd (35km from Kaslo), and set your odometer to 0. Cross a bridge and reach a junction at 2.3 km, proceed straight. At 12 km turn right(North-East) and ascend onto Duncan-Glacier Creek FSR. At 22.5 reach a fork and proceed straight(east). At 36 km, immediately after a bridge, reach a junction and turn left (northwest. At 37.7 km fork right on Monica road. Expect deep water bars for the rest of the way. At 43 km reach the trailhead and parking pullout.

  • Fire Bans and Restrictions:Link

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