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Aspen (Houston)

FishingNature StudyCamping

  • Rec Site #:REC0535
  • Type:Maintained
  • Fees:None
  • Campsites:8
  • Access:Road
  • Facilities:Tables
  • Site Description:Located near the town of Houston, this 8 unit campsite is located along the world famous Morice River. Headwater to the Bulkley River and "steelhead paradise" boasting good runs of salmon and steelhead, amongst other species. This site is popular with anglers and hunters during fall but can also be a pleasant spot near the river during spring/summer. There is good river access and the site can be a popular put in/take out for those experienced in rafting/paddling/drifting the river. There are some good hikes around here too, look up Houston hikers website for ideas: https://houstonhikers.ca/. The access road can be prohibitive for RV's/trailers with a narrow road and tight turn around. The road is often busy with logging traffic, a VHF radio with Resource Road channels is recommended for travel here. The trail and foot bridge heading upstream from the campsite are closed until further notice due to erosion problems. Please consult the BC Freshwater Fishing Regulations Synopsis for limits, special regulations and closures: https://www2.gov.bc.ca/assets/gov/sports-recreation-arts-and-culture/outdoor-recreation/fishing-and-hunting/freshwater-fishing/region_6_skeena.pdf Also, be sure to check the DFO non-tidal salmon limits, openings and closures: https://www.pac.dfo-mpo.gc.ca/fm-gp/rec/bc-zones-cb-eng.html

  • Driving Directions:17.5 km on Morice FSR

  • Fire Bans and Restrictions:Link

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