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Cairnes Creek
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Cairnes Creek
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Cairnes Creek

Cairnes Creek (Golden)


Site Closed.
This site cannot be accessed, Blaeberry FSR closed at 31 km.

  • Rec Site #:REC5055
  • Type:Maintained
  • Fees:None
  • Campsites:0
  • Access:Road
  • Facilities:None
  • Site Description:This site marks the start of the wilderness trail was used by generations of First Nations as a route east from the Columbia River Valley through the rugged Rocky Mountains. It served the First Nations as a route through the mountains to bison, and was a short-lived gateway for European traders to the interior of British Columbia from trading posts in the foothills of Alberta. Blocked by tribes east of the pass, the traders, led by explorer and fur trader David Thompson, found a more northerly route.

    The trail connects the Blaeberry River, over Howse Pass, and to the Saskatchewan River. Recreation Sites and Trails manages from the Blaeberry to Howse Pass (11.6km), and Banff National Park manages from Howse Pass to the Saskatchewan River (26km).

  • Driving Directions:Use road radio and caution while travelling on active resource roads.

  • Fire Bans and Restrictions:Link

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