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Mount Begbie

Mount Begbie (Revelstoke)

HikingNature StudyCross-country Skiing

  • Rec Site #:REC5118
  • Type:User Maintained
  • Fees:None
  • Campsites:0
  • Access:Trail
  • Facilities:None
  • Site Description:Mount Begbie is an area of steep mountains and glacial areas, the Summit trail is a steep strenuous 6 km hike to a small Recreation Site just below the glacier. Above the campground is the summit of Mt Begbie, experience in back country hiking, camping, and dealing with steep mountaineering terrain is required and take caution with potential wildlife encounters.

  • Driving Directions:The Mount Begbie summit can only be reached by taking the 6km hiking trail to the campground, then continuing up the glacier and climbing to the summit. Strong glacier travel, rock climbing and backcountry experience is required as there is no marked trail to the summit. There is no vehicle access or helicopter access to the summit.

  • Fire Bans and Restrictions:Link

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